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QjackCtl 0.3.13, Qsynth 0.3.9, Qsampler 0.3.0 released!

The pre-LAC2015 release frenzy continues... ;)

Now for the next batch...

QjackCtl - A JACK Audio Connection Kit Qt GUI Interface

QjackCtl 0.3.13 is out.

QjackCtl is a simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server, for the Linux Audio infrastructure.



  • Added application description as's AppData.
  • Setup dialog form is now modeless.
  • Introducing brand new active patchbay reset/disconnect-all user preference option.
  • Current highlighted client/port connections are now drawn with thicker connector lines.
  • New user preference option on whether to show the nagging 'program will keep running in the system tray' message, on main window close.
  • Connections lines now drawn with anti-aliasing; connections splitter handles width is now reduced.
  • Drop missing or non-existent patchbay definition files from the most recent used list.

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Qsynth - A FluidSynth Qt GUI Interface

Qsynth 0.3.9 is out.

Qsynth is a FluidSynth GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt4 toolkit using Qt Designer.



  • Added application description as's AppData.
  • New user preference option on whether to show the nagging 'program will keep running in the system tray' message, on main window close.
  • Application close confirm warning is now raising the main window as visible and active for due top level display, especially applicable when minimized to the system tray.
  • A man page has been added.
  • Translations install directory change.
  • Allow the build system to include an user specified LDFLAGS.
  • Czech (cs) translation updated (by Pavel Fric, thanks).

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Qsampler - A LinuxSampler Qt GUI Interface

Qsampler 0.3.0 is out.

Qsampler is a LinuxSampler GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt4 toolkit using Qt Designer.



  • Added application description as's AppData.
  • Added this "Don't ask/show this again" option to some if not most of the nagging warning/error message boxes.
  • Mac OS X: Fixed default path of linuxsampler binary.
  • When closing qsampler and showing the user the dialog whether to stop the LinuxSampler backend, set the default selection to "Yes".
  • Master volume slider now getting proper layout when changing its main toolbar orientation.
  • Messages standard output capture has been slightly improved as for non-blocking i/o, whenever available.
  • Adjusted configure check for libgig to detect the new --includedir.
  • A man page has beed added (making up Matt Flax's work on debian, thanks).
  • Translations install directory change.
  • Added support for SF2 instrument names/preset enumeration.
  • Added instrument list popup on channel strip which shows up when the instrument name is clicked. Allows faster switching among instruments of the same file.
  • Adjusted configure check for libgig to detect its new --libdir (impolitely forcing the user now to have at least libgig 3.3.0).

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QjackCtl, Qsynth and Qsampler are free, open-source software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.

Enjoy && have some fun!