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Having trouble with enabling hardware midi ports

Qjackctl Version: 0.3.10
a2jmidid Version 8
jack 1.99

Hallo Rui

It's one of those days, starting jackd using Qjackctl
- with midi-driver set to none (xseq and yraw do not enable external hardware ports and conflict with a2jmidid)
- and using the post start option "a2j start &"

The external hardware midi ports are disabled..!

This use to work and the external midi ports on device UM-1S used to show up in jack-midi but not anymore.

Any ideas?

Jack.log below.

With best regards, Simon

21:17:29.826 Steckfeld deaktiviert.
21:17:29.865 Statistik zurückgesetzt.
21:17:29.901 D-BUS: Dienst ist verfügbar (org.jackaudio.service aka jackdbus).
Cannot connect to server socket err = Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
21:17:32.636 D-BUS: JACK-Server startet...
Tue Apr 16 21:17:31 2013: Starting jack server...
Cannot connect to server socket err = Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
21:17:32.660 D-BUS: JACK-Server wurde gestartet (org.jackaudio.service aka jackdbus).
Tue Apr 16 21:17:32 2013: JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 60
Tue Apr 16 21:17:32 2013: Acquired audio card Audio0
Tue Apr 16 21:17:32 2013: creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|128|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
Tue Apr 16 21:17:32 2013: configuring for 48000Hz, period = 128 frames (2.7 ms), buffer = 2 periods
Tue Apr 16 21:17:32 2013: ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
Tue Apr 16 21:17:32 2013: ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
Tue Apr 16 21:17:32 2013: ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
Tue Apr 16 21:17:32 2013: ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
Tue Apr 16 21:17:32 2013: graph reorder: new port 'system:capture_1'
Tue Apr 16 21:17:32 2013: New client 'system' with PID 0
Tue Apr 16 21:17:32 2013: graph reorder: new port 'system:capture_2'
Tue Apr 16 21:17:32 2013: graph reorder: new port 'system:playback_1'
Tue Apr 16 21:17:32 2013: graph reorder: new port 'system:playback_2'
Tue Apr 16 21:17:33 2013: Saving settings to "/home/simon/.config/jack/conf.xml" ...
21:17:34.929 JACK-Verbindung geändert.
21:17:34.937 Serverkonfiguration nach "/home/simon/.jackdrc" gespeichert.
21:17:34.942 Statistik zurückgesetzt.
21:17:34.966 Client aktiviert
21:17:34.967 Nach-Start-Skript...
21:17:34.967 a2j start &
Tue Apr 16 21:17:34 2013: New client 'qjackctl' with PID 3054
21:17:35.390 Nach-Start-Skript beendet erfolgreich.
--- disable export of hardware ports
21:17:35.617 Schaubild der JACK-Verbindungen geändert.
--- start
21:17:35.803 JACK-Verbindung geändert.
Tue Apr 16 21:17:35 2013: New client 'a2j' with PID 1781

rncbc's picture

shouldn't the `a2j start &`command be `a2jmidid -e &` instead?


sl's picture

Hello Rui

My mistake..! I misunderstood the release notes for a2jmidid version 8 and thought I now had to use a2j instead of `a2jmidid -e`.

Is there any functionality in Qjackctl to use a2jmidid's dbus interface?

With best regards, Simon

rncbc's picture

Is there any functionality in Qjackctl to use a2jmidid's dbus interface?
nope. qjackctl dbus interfaces to jackdbus only, afaict.


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