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Hi Rui,

as i said, MSB/LSB can be turned of using my keyboard and I tried.

Just for completeness, I sent several PC commands using the software "midisnoop" without any MSB/LSB commands:
C0 01
C0 05
C0 0F

Qtractor messages
10:47:31.721 MIDI CTL: Pgm Change, Channel 1, Param 0, Value 1
10:49:59.604 MIDI CTL: Pgm Change, Channel 1, Param 0, Value 5
10:51:02.064 MIDI CTL: Pgm Change, Channel 1, Param 0, Value 15

"Value" can not be configured in the midi shortcut learn menu.
I agree, PC commands should not be used for shortcuts. I am looking for another solution now.

Thanks for your support, really appreciate it
