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re.Then I open the archive in Qtractor and back at a shell, I look at the contents of /data/music/foobar

on the moment an archive (.qtz) is to be opened, it actually checks whether a sub-directory with the very same file-name ("foobar") already exists, *always* prompting you if positive to erase all its contents *before* the extract operation begins... staring at the case where you still seeing old files in that purposed extraction directory probably means that you cancelled the load archive operation, and ended with a empty session (something that you seem to omit or maybe I'm wrong).


re. 1. When saving as, a simple check could test for the existence of a directory that matches the filename entered into the dialog box. Upon finding a match, Qtractor would prevent the save operation from taking place and scold the end user appropriately.

sounds like a good idea, one that would possibly prevent the above scenario, whenever you answer positively to erase the existing directory (maybe _accidentally_? :))

thanks && cheers