QmidiCtl, QmidiNet 0.1.0 Out Now!

Howdy! It's been a long summer hasn't it? Bad news is that laudable spring cleaning has slipped a bunch and in fact, is still on going with no end on sight, exactly as the uber-procrastinator predicted! ;)

Nevertheless, QmidiCtl, QmidiNet 0.1.0 are out now!

This release marks the fact that QmidiCtl is now made available from the official Maemo 5 repository. So that you can download and install it directly from your N900. You'll find it on the Multimedia section. Second, QmidiCtl is now fully configurable with regard to which MIDI events are sent and/or recognized. It's not MMC-exclusive anymore. Third, QmidiNet also talks JACK-MIDI now. Although (very) experimentally. And you don't have to opt out on ALSA-MIDI. You can have both MIDI interfaces running as long as you please.

Finally, Paul de Vries shows us a magnificent video re. How To: Setup QmidiCtl on The Nokia N900 with Renoise. Alas, it's on Windows and using ipMIDI as the gateway back-end. No sweat :) If Renoise is to run on Linux he would use QmidiNet or multimidicast. Take note that the latter only does ALSA MIDI and doesn't handle MIDI SysEx messages as certain as MMC is. Kudos to Paul.



Project pages:



  • source tarballs:
  • source package (openSUSE 11.3):
  • binary packages (openSUSE 11.3):
  • binary packages (Maemo 5):
    qmidictl_0.1.0-4_armel.deb (testing)
  • Weblog (upstream support):



    QmidiNet and QmidiCtl are both free, open-source software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.

    Cheers && Enjoy


    Nice tools to play with, thank you. I was looking for something
    allowing to run vkeybd (or other virtual controller/instruments) remote.

    I played with two QmidiCtls on different
    hosts and connected each other over a third QmidiNet channel:

    >-128:QmidiNet \ / >-128:QmidiNet
    >-130:QmidiNet / \ >-130:QmidiNet

    (first out is QmidiCtl from other host, second out is QmidiCtl from this host,
    connected to the third QmidiNet channel on the other host, 3 UDP-Ports at all)

    Due to using a netbook (other host) with touchscreen (T91MT) for it,
    you have some kind of a cheap "motor fader". (but useless cross-connected here)
    Everything worked fine.

    some remarks (just to know and to talk about)

    -"move channel left/right arrow-buttons" (or turn wheel) does not move the other,
    like all other buttons do, but could be a nice feature.sound generator
    (but in order to control only, that switch-by-feedback is not really needed)

    -QmidiCtl ist not local usable, needs a running QmidiNet on another host
    (on the same network-port), is it possible to open the "in" and "out" local
    and make it connectable similar to QmidiNet? (maybe useful for testing/learning purposes)

    -some of the record and other buttons block the other locally, some not.
    how should that be done actually, local or by feedback?

    -is it possible to compile QmidiNet to be used under windows too?
    (I know that netjack/qjackctl can be used there)

    that's all what I think about at the moment,
    thank you for providing your opensuse repository!

    by the way, if you make the knobs of qsynth midi assignable sometime,
    I would be very happy...and it would be the first graphical sound generator
    under Linux with that feature (for live performance) or am I wrong?

    yes. i believe its possible and might even work as well. youlll only have to build it with a good src/config.h file (you can take a linux generated one perhaps) and just go for `qmake && make` under the proper windows ccmmand prompt (qt4 sdk provided one?)



    Just installed TouchDAW on my phone and it works like a charm with QmidiNet. Relatively simple to set up and I have the idea it's more stable than FingerPlay. Just FYI :)




    Now that everything is fine and dandy I'm trying to get QmidiCtl to work using qtractor and qmidiNet on this computer, and qmidiCtl on my N900 (connected to both my local network and the internets via wifi) but can't figure out what goes into where; I left the port# untouched on both machines (21928) and tried both combinations of interfaces, but what network is it using ? I can ssh from and to both machines, but there I can't figure out how I say to qmidiCtl "this is the IP of the machine you're supposed to talk to"..?

    -Do I need qmidiNet to use QmidiCtl to interact with qtractor/jack ?
    -Are the controls mapped in the configuration screens by defaults compatible with qtractor (ie does pressing play engage qtractor playback, and record, etc.. ?)
    -Is there a quick test procedure ?

    -Do I need qmidiNet to use QmidiCtl to interact with qtractor/jack ?

    -Are the controls mapped in the configuration screens by defaults compatible with qtractor (ie does pressing play engage qtractor playback, and record, etc.. ?)

    -Is there a quick test procedure ?
    nope. it just works when it works :) i think you're missing one of the fundamental requirements for the whole thing to work as designed: multicast/udp only works on class c networks, which usually means it is supposed to work over a lan, never over the wan (eg. internet). if you're sure you're have that right though, there's often other sources of trouble: firewalls: strangely enough, there have been reports that some distros are way too paranoid and setup a restrictive firewall by default, even if over a local trusted network--check that out.



    nope. it just works when it works :)

    Qmidinet is showing up in qjackctl's connexions window, MIDI tab. That's a hint ; I guess it *can* half-work ;)

    -Should Qmidictl appear here as well ? (in order to connect it to qmidinet)
    -Should I configure my router/wifi AP ?
    -Do you know of a command I can run to somehow monitor UDP/Multicast activity ?
    -the "MMC device" value has to be different of both machines, right ?

    EDIT IT WORKS ! You were right Rui, my distro is a bit paranoid. As a result I had to add "21928/udp" to /etc/services, then wait for the interactive firewall to detect qmidictl's "intrusion", then whitelist my N900's IP, I kid you not. OH and connecting qmidinet's ALSA output to qtractor's ALSA master in didn't hurt too. Just so lost noobs like me looking for the light switch know where to reach :)

    So here are the answers to my own questions
    -Should Qmidictl appear here as well ? (in order to connect it to qmidinet)
    -Should I configure my router/wifi AP ?
    -Do you know of a command I can run to somehow monitor UDP/Multicast activity ?
    nmap -p 21928 -sU -P0 IP|hostname
    -the "MMC device" value has to be different of both machines, right ?
    Yes ?

    -Now is there a quick way to map the faders and track controls to qtractors ? For now only transport works...
    -Can I dream/hope to see the faders update on the phone when I move them in qtr ? :) (this is silly. What I do want however, are the mute/solo of my tracks)
    -What I have *now* is a DAW that I can start/stop w/ my phone, and that really rocks for instrument takes (it's gonna save a lot of cable trips) Thank you very much Rui, for all this great software, and for having the patience to help.

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