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Hey Rui,
wow, you're so fast? How do you manage your time to get these things done so fast?
I had a quick look at your source code... i think there's nothing left which was written by me ;-(... but it looks very good and i hope i will understand what you're doing there...

I tried it out with the BCF2000 but I can not get things to work. I think i will try to activate some debugging output (i see there's a define CONFIG_DEUB). When I shut down qtractor, my system hangs, that means, that qtractor does never stop .... but maybe this has nothing to do with qtractor ... maybe its an ubuntu-update-thing *g* ... i will have to do some investigations ... before making some music...

EDIT: Ok ... it was an ubunut-update think. I had to switch back to the older realtime-kernel, otherwise usb-midi is not working. Now, everything seems to work fine. Great!

If i could help you in programming something, please give me some instructions ...
