

Qtractor - A MIDI/Audio multi-track sequencer

Ghost note color


Would it be awesome if the Track -> View/Colors dialog were extended to specify the color used to render ghost notes? As things exist currently, I'd say it probably would be very useful. If however, there are any plans to support multiple ghost note tracks (something I have no interest in but I've seen discussed here and there), it would probably get too complicated and impractical.

Throwing it out there...

Cursor on tool selection implemented


Hi Rui, if you want to incorporate it it seems to work fine.

I just had to add the setCursor to your implementation.
Attached is qtractorMidiEditorForm.cpp

I have also implemented the click animation (2px cursor offset). Curiously, the cursor size had to be increased for it to work. It doesn't work with native icons but it does with the theme icons. This is certainly a minor thing, and also a bit of a mystery.

line 717

More accessible quantized midi recording


Personally I find it very useful to record quantized percussion at beat/4, to quickly sketch out rhythms.

From the midi clip editor I set a loop and overdub.

For everything else, recording quantized, in my experience, is completely useless. It is better to correct parts by quantizing afterwards, or move the wrong notes by hand.

However, the option to quantize recordings is hidden in general options, and it is cumbersome to activate or deactivate.

Improve MIDI SPP accuracy


Unfortunately the MIDI SPP is only accurate on 1/16 positions. Qtractor's position have a much higher resolution. At the moment Qtractor rounds the SPP which leads to non-synchronized positions.

Based on my experiences with jack_midi_clock I propose the same or a similar approach:

When playback starts, then send immediately

  • MIDI SPP of a position in the future, e.g. the next but one beats or 1/8 or 1/16 position

When this position is reached then send

Improve time stretching quality


At the moment the quality of time stretched audio clips is better with WSOLA than with rubberband when I use a factor of 1.5.

Since modern version of librubberband have a v3 API the quality can be increased. It's a bit confusing that – for example in Debian Bookworm – the lib is called librubberband2 with version 3.1.2 and the actual library is called librubberband.so.2.2.1. But there are 2 CLI tools: rubberband and rubberband-r3. So there is alreade the v3 API available.

A strange LV2 UI thing



One of my favorite drum synth plugins, stegosaurus, appears to have been given a new life. I compiled and installed but the LV2 UI is kinda b0rk3d when I run it from Qtractor.


Looks fine when I load the same LV2 via Carla (no extra black space at the bottom)


It may be worth mentioning the VST loaded via Qtractor behaves as expected.