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rncbc's picture

Answer is, well, no. Not yet at least :)

Metronome is a blank-sheet helper, most certainly not the tool you're asking for. Truth is, if you're recording something as a digital audio signal stream, which goes with no western music rhythm metrics whatsoever, by definition, you're left to do all tempo matching later by hand. Manually that is.

Ah, please (hint, hint:), take care to turn off this View/Options.../Audio/Automatic time-stretching option before you do any manual adjustment after any audio recording. If not, every time you change tempo the whole recorded material will be stretched to match the new time scaling, and most sure that is NOT what you want :/

Never mind that. Please, tell me what you are thinking about, what we IT freaks call a..., use case ?

Eagerly waiting for an idea :)