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Hello again

and thanks for your fast reply and the given clarification -
I really misunderstood that View > Options > Plugins dialog, thinking it would show the plugins found in those given pathes.

And, no, I haven't misunderstood the mechanism of dssi-vst. I do know dssi-vst-scanner(.exe(.so)) scans for Win32-VST plugins (.dll) libraries in $VST_PATH, as I have written this explicitly in my last post.

Two more questions I have (if I may) -
I used to patch dssi.h /dssi-vst-0.9 with aderyabins chunk patches (works well with REAPER and MusE -I actually try on a local build which merges recent rt patch code (from koppis github branch), too) - do you know of any problems /isssues concerning the use of QTRACTOR with chunks-patched dssi-vst (yet)?
(I'll try this the next days..)

Second - is there a way to merge /dock the 'Mixer' window into the main window (as a 'child window'), as this can be done with the 'Messages' and the 'Files' dislplay (I haven't looked into your code yet)?

Regards, Chris