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The second coming of the Vee One prototypes

MIGRATED! to (see above)
12 years 1 month ago.

UPDATED! after a long Post-vacation relax ;-)
12 years 2 months ago.

heil to the proto-toys! see if you can see the difference(s) ;-)


an old-school all-digital 4-oscillator subtractive polyphonic synthesizer with stereo fx.


svn trunk:

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(yet another) old-school all-digital polyphonic sampler synthesizer with stereo fx.


svn trunk:

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You posted samplv1 svn trunk url twice - where's the synthv1 one?
The link (what's shown on the page, not the actual url) to synthv1 source tarball has an extra 'l' - it says 'synthlv1':

rncbc's picture

sloppy i am.

thanks a lot for spotting that ones, although not the difference(s) i was asking in the first place :)

no problem now. typos fixed. i think ;)


FYI I get SSL errors in Chromium when trying to access your SVN repository links. I get certificate errors from svn as well, but it does work if I temporarily accept.

Also, it's not a good idea to use the same URI for both your repositories and the plugins themselves (because descriptions of those two separate things will get mashed together and become unusable, among other reasons which can/will cause real problems). Better to carve out some namespace specifically for plugins. Ideally, hosting-wise, redirect those to something useful, or host something useful directly at that location, but that part doesn't actually matter. It is important to avoid separate things having the same URI, though.

rncbc's picture

yes, the errors are expected because the local SSL certificate is self-signed. some browsers, like Chrome and IE might nag you with "error" messages all the time.

anyway, the "proto-toys" are still just that, homebrew testing gadgets FWTW.

but thanks for the heads-up.


many thanks for these two plugins!

I think the difference respectively new feature is that the display gets yellow when its value is changed.
(I know I have won a synth and a sampler ;))

Maybe there are bugs:
in samplv1 - DCA1 sometimes attack don´t works if release was changed.

In the effects tab of both: Chorus and Flanger only making a delay which is
not adjustable, no modulation.

And a feature request:
Could you add 2 knobs for adjusting separately how velocity affects DCA and

rncbc's picture

I think the difference respectively new feature is that the display gets yellow when its value is changed.
not really. that color changing was there before, but now consistent with (new) preset (re)loading.

samplv1 [bug] - DCA1 sometimes attack don´t works if release was changed.
can you explain a little better what and when it's not working?

Chorus and Flanger only making a delay which is not adjustable, no modulation.
well, those included effects aren't that state-of-the-art anyway. some controls are just included for fun (eg."flanger daft":), others are kind of limited (eg. "chorus modulation")...

Could you add 2 knobs for adjusting separately how velocity affects DCA and DCF
how exactly is that "how"? :) key velocity (and channel pressure) already affects DCA envelope amount; however it doesn't for the DCF envelope--do you miss that so badly? i can try adding it up to that too but why you ask for new control knobs exactly?

[UPDATE] todays svn trunk rev.707 have both this key velocity and channel pressure also affecting of DCF Envelope. enjoy ;)

cheers && thanks

not really. that color changing was there before, but now consistent with (new) preset (re)loading.

I've lost :-(

can you explain a little better what and when it's not working?

I think I found a reproduceable way: in DCA1 set Attack to 0 and then Release to 100 -
now increase the Attack parameter – the sound doesn´t change.
Let the Attack parameter on 100 – now decrease Release – say about 20
and now the sound has Attack.
This happens not in synthv1.

well, those included effects aren't that state-of-the-art anyway.

That would be alright – but really : only level and feedback is working – it only makes a delay with fixed delay time.

how exactly is that "how"? :) key velocity (and channel pressure) already affects DCA envelope amount;

Yes that´s right – I meant to control the amount of affect – mostly to have the possibility to turn it down or off.

however it doesn't for the DCF envelope--do you miss that so badly? i can try adding it up to that too but why you ask for new control knobs exactly?

I like this as another way of (electronic) expression to use key-velocity not only to control the "loudness".
So there is a need for a knob to control how strong velocity influences the filter.
But it is okay if you do not want to change the design - it was only a proposal

many thanks for the quick response :-)


rncbc's picture

re. not really. that color changing was there before, but now consistent with (new) preset (re)loading.
i meant about the differences compared to previous first announcement (aka. 1st comig, get it?). the parameter color changing (yellow background) was there before; the biggest difference i was referring to was all about the new addition of a DCF Envelope amount control / knob. that was it :)

re. [samplv1 DCA Attack/Release] not working; sound doesn't change...
i may be missing what really isn't working. the Attack parameter on all envelope generators only takes effect on voicing onsets, that is when you press down a key (aka. note-on events); if you change the attack time somehow then it will only have noticeable effect on the next time you play a note / voice, unless the generator is still currently running on the "attack" phase of any current playing voice / note--all that to say that i'm failing to reproduce the issue by following your precise instructions. maybe it gets only evident with some kind of samples? could that be true?

re. included effects aren't that state-of-the-art anyway. [chorus, flanger effects with] fixed delay time.
you seem to be plain right. i'll give it another go and look during this next weekend. thanks for spotting this, nevertheless.

re. key velocity (and channel pressure) [affecting DCA and DCF] possibility to turn it down or off.
those are somewhat provided by the DCF Envelope and DCA Volume control knobs respectively; adding another separate and independent controls just for keyboard velocity is, IMO, overkill. but thanks anyway for pointing that out. your proposal has been noted :)


all that to say that i'm failing to reproduce the issue

Hm, strange that this is not reproducible, it occurs with every sample and as I noticed it happens on DCF envelope too.
But hey it´s not a big deal - just because it only happens when release was at 100.

adding another separate and independent controls just for keyboard velocity is, IMO, overkill

I've already guessed that the way you feel about it. ...maybe sometime there will be a place for an extra controller tab. ;-)
And thank you that you've thought about it.

Greetings !

A clean checkout of synthv1 r744 doesn't build here (Ubuntu 10.04 with latest lv2 libs)...
make -f Makefile.svn && ./configure
in the synthv1 top-level source directory seems to work, but make says:
make: *** No rule to make target `', needed by `synthv1_lv2.mak'. Stop.

Have I done something wrong?

rncbc's picture

is that a real clean svn checkout ?? are you sure you'tre not having some leftovers from previous revisions?

scrap the whole tree and do a plain checkout (or export) from scratch, please:

svn co synthv1-svn
cd synthv1-svn
make -f Makefile.svn
sudo make install


Ah, yes, that seems to have worked: thank you!

I'd used svn-clean, which should have got me to the same state as a fresh svn checkout, and svn stat showed no untracked files, but obviously something got left behind. Anyway, all's good now.

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