Hi, thanks for this great project.
There is one fundamental thing which is very important for me to be able to effectively work in qtractor - stretching of the notes in the midi editor - in Edit Off mode when having selected multiple notes, they should all stretch, not just the one clicked at.
The stretching would enable to speed-up/slow-down parts of midi patterns:
Please add this feature, now it is much pain to work around it, and I know I am not the only one missing it.
Re: MIDI note stretching
stretching of the notes in the midi editor - in Edit Off mode when having selected multiple notes, they should all stretch, not just the one clicked at.
- aha, try doing it while you press SHIFT ;)
Thanks, this is useful, but
Thanks, this is useful, but what I really meant was that I want the spaces between the events to stretch too - not just the note length.
Re: spaces between the events to stretch too
please, use the newer Tools/Rescale... option, only on svn trunk attotw.
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