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Excellent, thank you very much. The trick seemed to be removing "--enable-vst=no" from my configure line. I didn't actually install anything just now because everything was already there except the Qt5 packages, and I already had the full Qt5 tools installed and didn't want to have two variants of Qt5 stuff.

I stumbled a bit getting configure to work and crossed a point where that switch was now not helping me. Here are the "tweaks" that I think were necessary for me:

  1. I installed the full Qt5 package from their web site, and after much head scratching to get qmake detected by ./configure I ended up doing
        ln -s /<my-qt5-install-dir>/5.7/gcc_64/bin/qmake /usr/bin/qmake-qt5

    I feel like there is a more proper way to do this, but none of the info I found, particularly about qtchooser, seemed to solve locating my Qt5 binaries.

  2. Specify

    in the ./configure options.

  3. DO NOT specify

    in the ./configure options.

It's building and running now.

Thanks again!