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The slime green as you describe it, is too harsh for me to stare at for long periods of time, and i would suggest a softer blue
Hmmm... maybe I need to ask this: are you referring just to the MIDI meters or also to the audio ones? At the least, the audio meters have five color levels: slime green (<10dB), even-slimier green (<6dB), yellow (<3dB), orange (<0dB) and red (>0dB). Do you suggest to change or make this configurable too?
Anyway, I was considering to change MIDI meter colors to something else, just to make it once distinguishable from audio ones, but never got out of the procrastination tar pit. Maybe this is in deed the time :)

In Qjackctl we get three tabs, for audio, and jack and alsa midi. Can we have the same in qtractor?
This one has the potential to be a FAQ. I guess the answer is no. Qtractor deals audio on JACK and MIDI on ALSA. There's no JACK MIDI in or out of it, sorry, so there's no sense in having a JACK-MIDI tab on the Qtractor/Connections widget. Unless just for the commodity of it. As usual, you know best :) Can you explain in all the possible detail what's the use case?

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela