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1) Here are the versions for each computer

Old Comp (Everything works fine):
$ calfjackhost --version
calf 0.0.19

$ qtractor --version
Qt: 4.8.2
Qtractor: 0.5.4

New Comp (Won't open a previous project unless Calf plugins are deleted):
$ calfjackhost --version
calf 0.0.19

$ qtractor --version
Qt: 4.8.6
Qtractor: 0.5.11

2) Yes, if I load an old project after removing all Calf plugins and then add a new one once the project has been opened, everything works fine (and it will not hang next time I open it after saving).

Note) I remember having this issue before with my old computer when Calf got automatically and rolling back the update was enough to fix it.