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yPhil's picture

> but willing to help anyways.

I know :) thanks!

> does the recorded material makes any evidence of this issue?

No! That's the good news. But still.

> if yes, then share its context (session file) and point the precise spots where things are or seems to be going south... :)

Well, in this part of my latest video it's quite clear, WYHASIWYG (hear & see WYSIWIG: True live recording) and note (VMPK input is Qtractor's MIDI bus BTW, and IIRC I had to monitor it) that it seems to only affect the playback, which (if it's confirmed) a big relief :) still, I'd really like to track and squash that nasty bug, it's really not helping in writing licks on the fly, it can even ruin the whole process ; As I say it's been going on for a long time, ie several versions of my OS.